Sense of Alligence
     In the Macedonian empire there was not a great sense of alligence. This is because there are cases of uprisings against government. Most were not well documented however there case of an uprising that was, The story of Hanuka.
    In 200 BCE Antiochus III defeated Ptolemy which changed the power under which Jews were ruled. At first they were happy as Antiochus III lowered taxes but soon the Romans attacked and he needed money. He began to dramatically increase the taxes. As the time passed and so did the rulers the relationship got worse. Many people were excuted and the Jews were convinced they had to break free. In 170 BCE Antiochus IV attacked a Rome preoccupied with another enemy. There were rumors that Antiochus had died. The Jews rebelled and Menelaus, the overseeer of Jerusalem, fleed. However Antiochus was still alive. He came back, stopped the uprising, and Menelaus was restored to power. After another failed attack on Rome, Antiochus decided to unify religion and customs of his empire. Antiochus sent people in and outlawed Jewish Temple services, study of Torah, circumcison as well as other customs. Many people studied the Torah and praticed religious customs in secrect. Officials began to organize meals of Pork people who refused were killed. This started an organized revolt the people became known as the Maccabees. After the original leader died he was succeeded by his son Judah.  Antiochus did not think of the uprising as serious and sent small armies who the Maccabees easily destroyed. Finally Antiochus sent his whole army. Judah and the Maccabees forced them to retreat. They were able to worship again. When Antiochus died his son tried to recaptued Jerusalem but he was defeated also.