The reason we know what we know about the Mauryan Empire is due to the writings in the Arthasastra. These written                        
                        instructions on how to run an empire was written by Chanakya, also known as Kautilya, who was the prime minister                            
                        and advisor for Chandragupta.
Arthasastra- The Arthashastra talks about the government of an empire, the rules of administration, and the role of a                               

King.  It states how a king should run his government, collect taxes, and how to handle espionage or spying on foreign                           


Military Bureaucracy- During Emperor Chandragupta's reign, he was in charge of a very powerful military. His military conquered many  

areas of the world, increasing the size of the empire.
Chandragupta began by conquering northern states such as Magadh. He conquered 

Punjab and also fought Seleucus Nikator. Chandragupta defeated Nikator in 305 B.C. Chandragupta ga
ined control of a majority of the

territories across the Indus River which is modern day Afghanistan. He also defeated parts of Central India. After ruling his empire for a

little over twenty-five years, Chandragupta became a Jain, leaving his empire to his son, Bindusara. As legend has it, Chandragupta

 followed  the way of the Jain saints and fasted him self to death.
Diplomacy- The Mauryan Empire had a centralized government. It had an administration who governed the entire

empire. The government was a hierarchy. Thirty men governed the capitol city. They administered fiancees,

sanitation, water supply, public buildings, and gardens. The council was divided into six committees, each having its

 own department. There were different zones or provinces governed my officials. The  highest ranking officials

from each district reported to the  emperor. These high ranking officials collected taxes, ran the local armies or

militia. The army was mostly made up of farmers, weavers, pottery makers, and other ordinary working class

citizens. The officials also enforced the law code to keep order.
The officials also handled trade. The Mauryan

elephants were the main source of trade.