STABLE GOVERNMENT (Central Leaders/ Emperors/ Recruits of Merits)

The Mauryan Empire was established under the leadership of Chandragupta Maurya who reigned from 322 BC - 296 BC. Under  Chandragupta Maurya, all of northern India was united which paved a path for trade and for expansion of the empire. By uniting, northern trade rapidly spread throughout the dynasty. He also regulated agriculture and standardized weights and measurements . This new system of standardization caused the first need for and appearance of money. Through the use of money many problems were addressed by state leaders. It was pointed  out that taxation, sanitation and famine relief would cause problems in the empire.
Chandragupta Maurya
When the reign of Chandragupta Maurya came to an end the tradition of the transition of power from father to eldest son was enforced and his son and successor, Bindusara (296 BC - 273 BC) became Emperor.
    Some of Bindusara's accomplishments were the extension of the Mauryan empire further south down to Mysore.

After Bindusara's reign, his youngest son Asoka (273 BC - 232 BC) surprisingly took the throne due to the assassination of Asoka's brothers. The act of having his own brothers assassinated to receive the throne of the Mauryan empire interrupted the cycle of leadership and power being passed from father to eldest son. During his reign he began to pave a path of patronizing Buddhist teachings throughout the empire.

The Mauryan Dynasty was said to only last approximately 200 years due to the lack of actively  recruiting officials along with the weak leadership of its emperors. This led the empire to turn from  their Confucius ways of running government and accept  some legalists techniques and concepts.
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