Required public service

    The remarkably advanced Mauryan empire was divided and subdivided into provinces, districts, and villages whose headmen were appointed by the state.
    The old customary law, preserved and administered by the Brahmin priesthood, was superseded by an extensive legal code that provided for royal interference in all matters.
    A series of courts ranging from the village court presided over by the headman to the emperor's imperial court administered the law.
    So busy was Chandragupta with the details of his surprisingly modern administration that, according to Megasthenes, he had to hear court cases during his daily massage.
    Two other agencies were very important in holding the empire together. One was the professional army, which Megasthenes reports was an incredibly large force of 700,000 men, 9000 elephants, and 10,000 chariots.
    The other was the secret police, whose numbers were so large that the Greek writer concluded that spies constituted a separate class in Indian society.
    So great was the danger of conspiracy that Chandragupta lived in strict seclusion, attended only by women who cooked his food and in the evening carried him to his apartment, where they lulled him to sleep with music. (

    Maurya's founder enlisted the help of many citizens to build his palace.  He had a professional army and a form of the caste system.  His successor Asoka did not share his beliefs.  He did however require public service in the carving and reading of the rock edicts.
