Military Power and Bureaucracy of the Han Dynasty

    Liu Pang was the first prince of the Han empire.  Which began in 206 B.C. when he defeated the Qin army in the valley of Wei. As a part of a larger rebellion that began after the First Emperor's death the defeat was the final battle.   Many citizens found disgust with the tyranny of the Qin leaders and their The people were not satisfied with the Legalist form of government. Just after the end of the rebellion the government was changed to incorporate more confucian ideals while still holding the tradition of the Qin Dynasty.


    Once Liu Pang had fully united China he made little changes to the legal system.  When in power he created many occupations for his allies and relatives giving them positions as high ranking officials.  The capital was located in Ch'ang-an.  The Han had a government much like the fudeal system that existed in Europe.  The lords are more like commanders that would control the people.


    Despite this military success, economic and political struggles still arose within China. Internal struggles for power taxed the peasants, until 184 A.D, when another peasant uprising occurred. This movement was begun by a group known as the Yellow Turbans. This uprising served to unite the factions who had previously been fighting one another because they needed to unite in order to defeat the Yellow Turbans. Despite conquering them, China did not return to a uniform state. Instead, three kingdoms emerged and the Han dynasty came to an end.